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Here’s a jar that knows about its contents. It’s made for fermenting stuff like sourdough, tepache, and hot sauce. Its e-ink screen displays the last three hours of co2 production and rise-in-jar, and it sends co2, temperature, humidity, and height over MQTT to a Mycodo database/UI instance.

It’s a retrofitted peanut butter jar - the tops are easy to machine, they’re easy to wash, and emptying them is delicious. I also didn’t want a metal lid interfering with any radio stuff we might want to do. I used to use a wider container for my starter but I changed in order to test out if co2 sensing or height sensing would be more effective a gauge of starter activity (my original container was too wide for a height sensor to measure any meaningful change). (By the way, I know about Breadwinner - in fac

I was using a Raspberry Pi with a SGP30 MOX sensor , which approximates environmental co2 levels, leading to all sorts of problems with sensitivity and consistency. The software was initially a python script that posted to an InfluxDB instance running locally, connected to a Grafana UI. (I used this excellent guide to get those systems up and running but read on, the Mycodo software is more straightforward).

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