herbsspicesandtradition.blogspot.in - Herbs, Spices and Tradition

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Hello HST readers, many of you may be wondering why there has not been a post here on the blog for some time now, and many know that the original writer of this blog passed away on 10th July 2018. As her daughter I have thought a lot about how to advance this blog and continue her dream on . . .of sharing recipes. 

It was also difficult to come to this space and read her posts and not just be heart broken again. . . the heartbreak I felt when we lost her. Now all I have left is her words, her tips and advises and her recipe diary... which I go back to so many times. And so I must carry her vision forward, and that is what this attempt is.

So I will try to bring here some of her recipes from her diary, some that I learnt from her and some of my own and try to take her dream forward...one recipe at a time... today I want to share her classic mathri, which I have tweaked a little to make it more healthy.