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This weekend I finished level 125 for my new game Noedz and thought I'd take a few minutes to introduce it to the internet.  So here goes…

Noedz is a puzzle game where you connect spherical nodes in a 3D matrix to build paths that connect like colors.  Basically a 3D game of connect the dots.  Sure, there are plenty of other games where you connect like color dots, but I think Noedz feels different because you manipulate the play space and navigate in all directions.  I know this sounds confusing so here's a video that hopefully makes more sense…

I started Noedz as an educational project to learn more about working with Unity, manipulating 3D objects in code, and working with touch based user interfaces.  I feel I've come a long way on in all of those areas and I think it's turning out to be a kinda cool game to boot.