helenofdestroy.com - Helen of desTroy

Description: we don't need your thought control

anti-war (60) political commentary (26) anti-neoliberal (1) anti-alienation (1) police state resistance (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Things are moving very quickly indeed, and I suggest anyone who does not have a hard-copy dictionary from the 1990s (earlier the better) get one and keep a damn good watch on that thing. The rate of descent into Newspeak is ignominious as can be. Learning to read from Bill Gates' CommonCore is no different than learning vocabulary by reading Wiktionary (yes, the  Newspeak dictionary and its little sister are real ) or learning social studies by watching Jerry Springer: you're doing it so wrong you'll probab

If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over and expecting different results, what does that make people who  remind  people that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over & expecting different results? Because that sounds even crazier. Worse than both, of course, is declaring you can't call things crazy or insane because there are people with mental illness etc. many have it so bad they've risen to high positions in government and finance - it's a condition, they c

March 23: No dogs allowed, especially neurotic (& necrotic) members of the royal family

Links to helenofdestroy.com (2)