heartfullofink.com - Heart Full of Ink | Romance Novel Editor

Description: Casey Harris-Parks is a freelance romance editor, who offers book coaching, developmental, line, and copy editing for bestselling and award-winning romance indie authors and publishers.

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I’m just a reader, sitting with a book, asking for it to take me away from reality. Because that’s what we all want, right? To escape into fictional worlds where true love conquers all and villains are slain (or redeemed) by the ending.

That’s where you, my dear writer, come in. You have a story idea that you need help fleshing out. Or you’ve written a captivating story but need help fixing plot holes. You have my next escapism.

But you need help. You need an editor to push you to dig deeper into the emotional connection between your characters, to help fill any plot holes or point out inconsistencies, and fix any typos.