healonlinerevealed.com - Heal Online is a Group of Activists Spreading False Rumors About Boarding Schools

Description: HEAL ONLINE, a University of Washington student organization, is not held accountable for the untruths it claims about therapeutic programs for teens

Example domain paragraphs

“Our primary campaign is to … close all behavior modification programs (including): therapeutic boarding schools…and faith-based group homes, since they are ALL abusve and fraudulant.” Source: Heal-Online website

Heal’s Parenting Guide says parents should never try to influence their children, saying:: “ Your children are not your children . They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. They come through you but not from you. And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.  You may give them your love but not your thoughts .”  Source: http://www.heal-online.org/parent.htm

“Prior to HEAL, I worked as college organizer for the Humanist Association of Los Angeles and media coordinator for Atheists United .” –From the bio of the HEAL-ONLINE California coordinator