healinghappensbook.com - Book

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A Note from Our Best Selling Author

Are you frustrated with the current medical system or your healing progress? Have you ever gotten sick or suffer from chronic pain, been diagnosed with a life-long disease, been put on medication for life, been depressed, or been told your lifespan was limited? Did you blame yourself or feel like there was no solution for you? Know that you are not alone and there is a way to feel better.

As a lively 27 year old nicknamed the ‘Energizer Bunny’ who was teaching 30 yoga and fitness classes a week, it was quite devastating to be challenged with fatigue, weight gain, muscle loss, hair loss, fogginess of the mind, blurry vision, headaches, body aches, and intermittent fevers. After many tests and much research, the doctors and I figured out I had Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s. The doctors put me on medication for life, recommended a handful of supplements, and sent me out the door.