heal3d.com - 3D Printing Professional & Educational Services (PromoAmbitions)

Description: We provide 3D Printing services to major hospitals in the North East and offer 3D printing technology workshops for students and enthusiasts alike.

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3D Printing Professional and Educational Services Utilizing state-of-the-art 3D Printing Technology to bring comfort and care to pediatric patients We have successfully used the proven techniques of habituation, exposure therapy, and desensitization therapy to alleviate undue stress and enhance the well-being of pediatric patients. Our HEAL3D initiatives were successfully employed at major hospitals including Children’s Specialized Hospital, St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center, Morgan Stanley Children’s Ho

We aim to connect charitable emerging technology enthusiasts to the pediatric patient community in order to make the journey of the patients more comfortable and volunteer efforts of those helping out more meaningful. PromoAmbitions vows to periodically donate 3D printed toys and/or resources to impoverished pediatric centers that do not have the means to pay for our services. We rise by lifting the spirits of others.

Helping the pediatric patients feel more optimistic, hopeful, and aware that outsiders care for their well-being and are rooting for them!