hazelhall.org - Hazel Hall | Emeritus Professor, Edinburgh Napier University

Description: Emeritus Professor, Edinburgh Napier University

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Professors Brian Detlor & Hazel Hall

Dr Brian Detlor , Visiting Professor to the Social Informatics Research Group at Edinburgh Napier University , has been in the Edinburgh for the past week. Last Friday I was pleased to participate in one of the events organised to mark Brian’s visit: a lightening talk showcase of some the excellent research undertaken by researchers in the Social Informatics Research Group .

My own presentation was about the AHRC/Creative Informatics funded Platform to Platform project that I completed last year with Dr Bruce Ryan (PI) and Dr Iain McGregor (Co-I). This work involved the creation of a podcast series based on Lorna Lloyd’s Diary of the wa r , and an assessment audience engagement with archives in two different digital formats – (1) a Blipfoto journal of text and images , and (2) sound in podcast episodes. The slides for my presentation are available on SlideShare .

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