haveababycook.com - have a baby. cook. – Adventures in cooking with a newborn

Description: Adventures in cooking with a newborn

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Five days ago, and after four days in the hospital, I became a new parent. For several months before that, like all new parents, I received advice from all sides about many things, not least of which was food. Specifically, that my partner and I should start hoarding food in our fridge, cooking more than necessary and freezing it, and prepping our friends that if they didn’t deliver us meals after our baby came that we would likely die because we would be too busy trying to get some sleep.

Resolutely determined not to let life turn out the way people told me it would, I decided that once our baby came, I’d start a cooking blog and show the world that it doesn’t really have to be that bad. Of course, it may turn out that the only things I’ll have to eat after all this are my words, but it will be an effort well-spent, I think. Here goes…

It’s been a while, but I promise we’ve been eating. It’s a little different now that we’re in rural Utah and the closest grocery store is about an hour away, and even that’s a rural grocery store. Here is one of the first meals we made when we got back and were visiting a friend: