haonowshaokao.com - haonowshaokao | Unfocussed miscellany from Beijing

Description: Unfocussed miscellany from Beijing

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Texture and Artefact is my new project, combining personal monologues, field recordings, interviews with friends and family, clips from old cassettes, occasional drama and original music, all knitted together into narrative soundscapes.

The first season will run from January to September 2023, with one episode out each month. Episodes vary in length from 20 to 30 minutes, and are all tightly-edited, non-rambling and without adverts or other interruptions. Texture and Artefact is about sound and memory and should be listened to on headphones or a decent sound system in order to make sense.

Season Trailer – this 5-minute season trailer contains clips from seven of the episodes, and gives a good idea of the different kinds of things you’ll hear on the show.

Links to haonowshaokao.com (1)