hanoverpress.com - Hanover Press - The London Lyceum

Description: Hanover Press Original Protestant Academic & Classic Baptist Literature Guided by over forty seasoned academics and pastors, Hanover Press is committed to producing original Protestant academic theology and re-printing classic Baptist literature with the quality of a university press and the ecclesial focus of an evangelical publisher. All titles that we publish must be consistent

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Guided by over forty seasoned academics and pastors, Hanover Press is committed to producing original Protestant academic theology and re-printing classic Baptist literature with the quality of a university press and the ecclesial focus of an evangelical publisher.

All titles that we publish must be consistent with the orthodox Protestant tradition and be written by authors who confess the Nicene and Apostles ’  Creed.

By the latter half of the eighteenth century, hyper-Calvinism had frozen parts of the Baptist denomination in England. Do the unregenerate have a duty to believe in Christ unto salvation? Do Christians have an obligation to offer the gospel to sinners? Fuller believed so, and in this significant book, he demonstrates his positive answers to these questions through careful biblical and theological reflection. Historically, the book was effective as a catalyst for missions and evangelism among evangelicals of