haleyvcraftwriting.com - Haley V. Craft

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Home Contact Me About Me Haley V. Craft Haley V. Craft Haley V. Craft Haley V. Craft Home Contact Me About Me Buy Now Hello Welcome, Friend! I'm a teacher and writer who loves learning about God by studying the world He made. I've spent most of my life studying words as I worked toward my master's degree in literature and now I'm embarking on my own writing journey! I have a lot to learn, and as I do, I'll be adding more, so come back to see what's new :)

I have some short devotions that will be published in the upcoming Pray a Word a Day 2 from Guideposts! It will most likely be coming out NEXT MONTH! More news and a link to come when it drops.

Join Me Come with me to take a quick look at God's word every Monday morning through a short devotion posted here and on my Facebook author page. Hope to see you then!