haian-jin.github.io - Haian Jin's Homepage

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Hi👋! My name is Haian Jin (金海岸), which means "Golden Coast" in Chinese. I am a first-year CS Ph.D. student at Cornell University working with Prof. Noah Snavely . My research interest lies in 3D Computer Vision and Graphics, specifically focusing on 3D reconstruction and generation. Previously, I got my bachelor's degree in Computer Science with highest honors from Chu Kochen Honors College of Zhejiang University in June 2023, with an overall GPA of 3.98/4.0 (92.7/100), ranking top 1%. During my un

My research interest lies in 3D Vision and Graphics , specifically focusing on reconstructing high-quality (photorealistic, relightable, animatable) 3D content from 2D images, through modern neural rendering / differentiable rendering techniques. My ultimate goal is to enable machines to better understand and infer multiple properties of the 3D world from 2D images, such as semantics, appearance, geometry, and materials, through the use of neural networks and graphics knowledge. By achieving this goal, I ho

* denotes equal contribution.

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