- Guy Rutenberg – Keeping track of what I do

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Keeping track of what I do

GNOME 44 recently got released . Because Debian Bookworm is undergoing a freeze , GNOME 44 is not yet available in Debian Unstable. It’s very similar to the GNOME 40 situation 2 years ago. While the wait for the freeze to be over can take a long time, Debian already has (most) of the updated pacakges in the experimental , and we can update to GNOME 44 through it:

$ sudo apt install -t experimental baobab eog evince gdm3 gjs gnome-backgrounds gnome-calculator gnome-characters gnome-contacts gnome-control-center gnome-disk-utility gnome-font-viewer gnome-keyring gnome-logs gnome-menus gnome-online-accounts gnome-remote-desktop gnome-session gnome-settings-daemon gnome-shell gnome-shell-extensions gnome-software gnome-system-monitor gnome-text-editor gnome-user-docs mutter gnome-desktop3-data $ sudo apt-mark auto baobab eog evince gdm3 gjs gnome-backgrounds gnome-calcu

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