- Rude Armchair Theology

Example domain paragraphs

Just a personal web journal, often on theological topics. It's "rude" in three senses: "crude" in that I have little formal theological training; "offensive" in that the things I write unintentionally tick folks off sometimes, and "rough" in the form of occasional spicy language. If any of that turns you off, then I'm sorry to see you go. Otherwise, welcome!

The textual content of this blog is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution - Noncommercial - Share Alike 3.0 Unported License . In a nutshell, this means that you can use it in any way you want as long as it's not for profit, you attribute my words to me, and you share your derived work under the same terms (if at all).

The images are nabbed from various sites which didn't seem to restrict this sort of use, and I claim no copyright on them. (If you do, and you would like me to remove an image, please let me know.)