- Guns, Cars, and Tech - All you guys ever talk about is guns, cars, or computers - Mrs. wizardpc

Description: All you guys ever talk about is guns, cars, or computers -- Mrs. wizardpc

Example domain paragraphs

I am going to try to start a new series about some of the tips and tricks I’ve picked up. Some might call it “fieldcraft” but since I am not a super secret squirrel who operates in operations, I am not nearly cool enough to call it that.

The first few I’m going to do are going to involve a laminator . I specifically bought one to use on some of the things I’ll be talking about. They’re not expensive, but you could probably just use packing tape for most of these things instead of a full-on laminator so just keep that in mind. The reason for lamination is so that you can use map markers and have a reusable but also semi-permanent writing surface.

First up is going to be the Glow in the Dark Dope (or DOPE) card.

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