- Gun Control and the Second Amendment

Description: gun control, second amendment

second amendment (184) gun control (64)

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Welcome to this web site! On this home page you'll be introduced to the debate surrounding gun control. I hope that you'll take time to look through the information that I have gathered. My mission is to educate the public about the issues that surround the gun control debate in America. I hope to be able to shed some light on the myths and half truths that surround so much of this issue. Comments and questions can be sent to [email protected].

MYTH: The crime rate has been skyrocketing in the UK and Australia since stricter gun control laws were enacted in 1996-1997. TRUTH: The truth is that the UK police has changed its system for recording crime since implementing new gun control laws. This change in recording crime made it appear that the crime rate went up. The British Crime Survey, which was unaffected by this change, shows a decrease in crime. Go to the section under violent crime in the British Crime Survey. "The increase in violent crime

MYTH: Keeping guns in the home increases personal protection. TRUTH: Obviously, self defense is not a good argument against gun control since those who own firearms are actually more likely to be victims of homicide. Two studies published in The New England Journal of Medicine revealed that keeping a gun in the home increases the risk of both suicide and homicide. Keeping a gun in the home makes it 2.7 times more likely that someone will be a victim of homicide in your home (in almost all cases the victim i