- Matt Reed / Creative Technologist in Nashville

Example domain paragraphs

In Nashville Mason jars are like, THE Thing! Everybody puts everything in them so I put a Raspberry Pi running BitTorrent Sync in one and have it store a copy of our family photos in it? Here's a little writeup I did and here's an article about it on TechCrunch , Hackaday , and Make Magazine which pretty much made my life.

This is what happens the week before Christmas when you have some eggnog, jello, and 2 hours to kill at the office. We called it Bingle Jells and it made the Laughing Squid laugh.

Slackbot holds a special place in our hearts at redpepper. So we built him a body out of a Roomba , Tornado Siren, and Raspberry Pi . We accomplished our mission very succesfully I believe; at least TechCrunch , Laughing Squid , and SlashGear think so :/