- Guardians of Hohn - Great Rivers Council

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The Guardians of Hohn offers a unique opportunity to provide lasting stewardship for Lake of the Ozarks Scout Reservation.

The idea of the Guardians of Hohn was sparked around a fire at camp, where the competitive fast paced life we all live has a chance to slow down allowing suggestions to play in our mind. We all talk about ways to improve camp. Upgrades and maintenance needed cannot always find financial or labor support to happen timely, efficiently… or happen at all even with the best intentions. The need to unite people who care deeply about our council’s properties is key.

As a Guardian of Hohn you will be provided access in a very real, hands-on opportunity that fosters financial support, ongoing fellowship, and praise for collaborative action. You can expect projects to be specifically designated by the Guardian members during an annual gathering at camp, financed through recurring giving, coming to fruition through fellowship work weekends.