- Grow Smart CLT - Sustain Charlotte

Description: Sustain Charlotte hosts these bi-monthly events to encourage community conversations around smart growth in Charlotte.

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With 50 people moving to Charlotte every day it's critical that we grow smarter. To help, in 2018 we launched an event series called Grow Smart CLT. These fun and informative events explore the multiple challenges that Charlotte faces due to our rapid increase in population and how these can be overcome through smarter growth.

Would you like to see more housing choices in Charlotte? More ways to walk or ride a bike to your daily destinations? A healthier environment and better access to parks?

Join Sustain Charlotte and our partners in the Neighbors For More Neighbors coalition on Wednesday, June 9th for Grow Smart CLT: Exploring the Charlotte Future 2040 Comprehensive Plan. We'll introduce you to this vision for the future of Charlotte and why it's so critical as the city grows.