- Greg Baroth

Description: Greg is a digital marketing consultant that specializes in all things social media. From organic social strategy and growth to influencer marketing and partnerships, PR and more. If you're looking for help for your brand, startup, or a talent you work with, look no further.

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I'm a Digital Marketing Consultant based in Los Angeles with 10 years + of experience helping startups, brands, celebrities, and more grow their social followers and be seen by millions of people across all facets of today's media.

Over the last ten years, I’ve created content which has gained nearly a billion impressions. From the original concept to creation and execution, I want to be involved every step of the way. I take pride in not always working with the biggest names but being able to deliver impressive results no matter whom I’m working with. I’ve traveled across the world, flew to the Philippines for the weekend, had my car crushed by a tank and even swam with sharks, all for the sake of pleasing my clients.

Always looking for new, exciting, and challenging projects to get involved with.