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The inventive journey is an exciting process of transforming a spark of an idea into a tangible, market-ready product. But one question that often stems from budding inventors is: “If you have a new invention idea, do you have to patent it?”

A patent is a legal protection granted to an invention by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (or an equivalent body in other countries). It provides the inventor with exclusive rights to manufacture, sell, and use the invention for a specific period, generally 20 years. The purpose of a patent is to encourage innovation and offer inventors the chance to capitalize on their inventive creativity and hard work.

Now, to answer the segment of the question, “Do you have to patent your invention?” No, it is not legally required to patent a new invention. But, what happens if you don’t patent your invention ideas? Without a patent, others are free to make, use, or sell your invention without your consent or providing you any compensation.

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