- Green and Growing Things

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The kitchen smells like cinnamon.  Wrinkly old and “mouse” nibbled apples have been chopped and stirred, and now lay waiting for morning porridge or sweet afternoon tea treats with a dollop of cream.  It’s something my great grandmother would have done.  And while her skilled hands worked from a place of necessity, scarcity even, the sentiment is the same: to take something fleeting and lacklustre and give it a hand up to its rightful place of respect, indeed reverence

Yes, the nutrient density of said food may be on the decline and choosing seasonal produce rich in life force will always be my priority,  those slightly waning nutrients are far better off in our bellies that rotting in land fill.

Here are 10 ways to shift your thinking about the freshness of your food, with the added bonus of stretching you grocery budget even further.

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