- Jan McInnis – Funny Keynotes and Great Comedy Shows

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For a funny keynote speaker with solid contact and hilarious humor, you’re at the right place! Feel free to poke around here or check out her full website at

Before becoming a keynote speaker and comedian, Jan McInnis spent 14 years climbing the corporate ladder… and she has the comedy to prove it! From “control-freak” bosses to her assistant “calling in fat” and team building exercises gone awry, Jan has lived it all!! And she tells it all from the stage. Jan also hits a nerve among audiences with her bits on growing up in a large family and day-to-day “stuff.” Aside from a comedy show, Jan also has popular keynotes on Change and on Communications that have bee

All of her comedy shows hilarious keynotes are customized with information from your group. She’ll find out the issues your group is dealing with and have some light and appropriate fun with it. And don’t worry, she does a clean show so that EVERYONE can enjoy it! Jan was written up in the Washington Post in an article by Gene Weingarten for her clean comedy writing, and she was one of the comedians featured in the Wall Street Journal article titled Comedy Comes Clean.