- Gray Brechin ~ Historical Geographer, Author & Scholar: University of California at Berkeley

Description: Dr. Gray Brechin is an author, speaker, and historical geographer. He is a visiting scholar in the U.C. Berkeley Department of Geography, and founder and project scholar of California's Living New Deal Project

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Dr. Gray Brechin is an historical geographer , the author of Imperial San Francisco , a frequent radio and television guest, and a popular public speaker . He is currently a visiting scholar in the U.C. Berkeley Department of Geography and founder and project scholar of the Living New Deal .

» About Gray Brechin & contact information

Feb 1, 2021 Mechanic's Institute Gray Brechin founder of the Living New Deal and environmental historian and fire expert Stephen Pyne talk about California fire prevention, forest preservation and the potential of the Ponderosa Way. Mechanic's Institute