- Gracen Johnson

Description: Civic-minded resourcefulness. I work to put small business in small buildings in small cities.

Example domain paragraphs

I work with people who want to live in a place tended by many hands, figuratively and literally. You know that homegrown feeling. Whether you find it in buildings, businesses, or a garden, it's like care and soul embodied and it just feels right. To some, longing for care and soul in the places we live is considered naive and inefficient, a luxury in today's economy. My people don't see it that way. They see a "many hands," grounded approach to city-building as the most sensible and satisfying way to inhabi

You don't. You're going to need to build some momentum and capacity at the level of neighbours. That's what I like to do. I create educational tools and experiences that help people build livelihoods in and of the places they love. For the past ten years, I've been helping small businesses and small developers get started. We learn together by doing and then we pay it forward when we discover something that works.

Just for Fun