golangbcn.org - Gophers in BCN

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We had a very good January. We, the organizers of GolangBCN, met to discuss the state of the project and how to improve it, and we had an awesome meetup with Francesc Campoy and Ivan Daniluk at Typeform’s office

This July, we’ll be holding some lightning talks in our meetup, hosted at Social Point … Thank you! The lightning talks will be 5 minutes long, no questions, no discussion, quick and fast. Present your project, idea, preferred tool in our lightning talks session. We’ll contact you back for the details. Remember to RSVP at the event meetup page … Keep reading for details on accepted lightning talks…

dotGo is the most important european Go conference. This happens yearly in one of the very beautiful theaters in the very beautiful city of Paris. dotGo is quite meaningful for our community, since in its first edition is where the group got created. Keep reading to find the discount…