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So simple is mind blowing. Many of my friends and congregants who go on a deconstruction journey aren’t trying to lose their faith. They don’t want to end up in a Jesus-free place. They just want to make sense out of the faith they grew up in and let go of stuff that’s stale or stifling. They actually want a  stronger  faith, not no faith— more  of Jesus, not less.

If that describes you, here’s food for thought:  Deconstruction  is not what you’re actually looking for. Disenculturation is.  Disenculturation  is the process used by missionaries to differentiate the gospel from culture. Having moved from one culture to another, missionaries can see that the gospel is like a kernel protected by an outer husk (culture). Their job is to ensure that the gospel kernel is free to enter new cultures without being captive to its old husk. This goes all the way back to the book

Like a fish in water who doesn’t feel wet, we often don’t recognize our culture, the languages and stories that explain our world. Cultures foster habits that comprise the good life and defense mechanisms that deflect the questions of outsiders. They elevate celebrities who exemplify their ideals. Then, having done all this, cultures pull a sneaky move: they pretend they don’t exist. They present themselves as “just the way things are.” But culture is always present, and it always plays a role in our experi

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