- Global Ganja Report | Resisting the Eradication Regime, Defending Your Right to Cannabis

Description: Global Ganja Report, resisting the eradication regime, defending your right to cannabis. News and views on cannabis culture, medical marijuana, drug laws, enforcement, travel, and activism.

travel (20020) activism (500) medical marijuana (280) enforcement (168) cannabis culture (9) drug laws (4) global ganja report (2)

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Singapore just executed a man for cannabis—and for just one kilo. Even worse, the trial appears not to have even met basic standards for fairness. This outrage comes just as neighboring Malaysia is finally following through on pledges to limit use of the death penalty—five years after a global outcry when a compassionate care provider was sentenced to be hanged for supplying cannabis oil. Despite the quasi-decriminalization in Thailand, Southeast Asia remains one of the most repressive regions on earth wher

In a paradox, New York authorities are finally unleashing the long-anticipated crackdown on the state’s legion and proliferating unlicensed cannabis retailers—while the licensing program continues to be slowed by obstacles, including legal challenges.