- G.I.T. – Group Idromodellistico Ticinese –

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The YOU GO, “Group Idromodellistico Ticinese” is active all over the Ticino and has as its purpose the promotion dell'idromodellismo, particularly among the young and the young, as leisure activities and intelligent training. The different techniques that you need to master to start driving, and maybe, profitably build a hull racing or breeding, are few but essential.

Asking costs nothing and saves time and money, giving some satisfaction in more. Buy a ready model is definitely faster, but at the first difficulty it indulges in some corner and it all ends there. On the contrary, build it or mount a kit, leads to a complete knowledge of its model allowing to solve problems that may occur during use, and even better features.

An example you can have the experience of an associate, having ordered that in America a beautiful competition model already fully assembled, had to take it apart and reassemble it well 4 times so that the hull would reach those performances that were just a fantasy.