- The Geography Site: coursework,teaching,lessons,information -

Description: A comprehensive site exploring Geography, with online lessons, revision sheets, and easy to read information about the geography topics you cover at school. Great for students, teachers and others interested in Geography.

country (3625) map (2169) earth (1566) cities (552) geography (427) population (158) geographic (69) fieldwork (63) geographical (45) world geography (4)

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The Geography Site now hosts two geographical blogs - Geography Blog and Geography Images . The blogs features a mix of teaching ideas, comment on geography issues and updates to the site. To subscribe click the RSS button, or read it online.

Photographs are a valuable resource for geographers, but finding suitable, affordable images can be a challenge. To help you, we've set up our own image gallery with almost 1000 free to use images with geographical themes. Great for lessons, homework, displays and projects!

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