- The Genetti Family Genealogy Project – The ancestral journey of a Tyrolean Family

Description: Photo taken in 1909, in front of Raffaele Genetti’s boarding house and saloon in Weston, PA. Group includes members of the following families: Genetti, Zambotti, Marchetti, Dallachiesa, Martini, Springetti, Yannes, Recla. Benvenuto alla mia famiglia! Welcome to the Genetti Family Genealogy Project. Is your surname Genetti or are you a descendant of the Genetti family? If so, there…

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Benvenuto alla mia famiglia!

Welcome to the Genetti Family Genealogy Project.

Is your surname Genetti or are you a descendant of the Genetti family? If so, there is a good chance your ancestors originated in the tiny village of  Castelfondo , located in the Italian Alps, a region once known as the Austrian Tyrol.

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