- Geek Radio Daily | All the geek without the wait!

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You may know that making a podcast can be expensive. From sound cards, to mixing boards, to microphones and cables…it all adds up. Plus, we love to travel to conventions and meet our amazing listeners in person…and give away prizes when we play games like “Sho’ Nuff or Oh, Hell No!”

We will never charge you to listen to Geek Radio Daily. But, we are making it easier than ever to help us out, if you are so inclined. Even if a small percentage of our listeners become supporters through Patreon, with a small monthly contribution, we can continue to provide you the high quality podcast you have come to expect….plus, maybe even bring back the highly popular DAILY SHOW….yeah, it’s Geek Radio Daily …we haven’t forgotten!

So, please check out or click the image above to make your GRD hosts the happiest podcasters in the whole world! You can also e-mail Flynnstress at [email protected]  for more information.

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