- Geek Droppings | The poop on being a geek

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Does enjoyment of music detract from our geekiness?  I think not thanks to Frescobaldi.  It is a script-ish file format that allows you to create music on a staff.  Here is the web site:

It is really easy to use but it took me just a bit to set up.  So I am going to show you my little pattern that will get you going quickly on melody and bar charts which is pretty common for communicating music with many musicians (of which I am not one – but have some music theory and knowledge).

You can create variables and change octaves and write some pretty sophisticated chords like F, 2:m11 (an F minor with an 11th half note an octave below middle C)  and easily add dotted notes and rests and match it all to lyrics.  It has MIDI integration so you can play it to hear your work of art.