- GDevCon N.A.

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Join us in 2023 for the third annual GDevCon N.A. If you missed us last year, be sure to check out our YouTube Channel for videos of all our content.

We used to have an NI sponsored CLD summit and NI Days in Denver every year. NI has decided they are no longer going to host those types of events (in Denver or elsewhere). We have an active user group in Denver and we decided we wanted to replace the CLD Summit. Several of us were impressed by what GDevCon had done over in Europe, so we reached out to them. After some discussion, we decided to do something similar over here.

Normally the NI CLD summit and NI Days in Denver were at best regional events drawing people from CO, WY, UT, and NM. NI would occasionally bring a few presenters of their own, but most of the presenters were locals. By bringing GDevCon to Denver we can attract speakers from all over North America (and the world) to share their knowledge with us. With its central location, easy accessibility and destination status, the greater Denver area is a great location for such a conference. GDevCon N.A. fills the hol

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