- About

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In addition to his well-known reputation as an entrepreneur, Gavin Campion is highly regarded for his ability to breathe life into existing businesses. Unlike his competitors who focus on a particular space, Gavin has a diverse portfolio of successful ventures in the world of marketing, video technology, customer loyalty programs, and software development. Gavin Campion has also made a name for himself in cloud-based technology as both a start-up and turnaround entrepreneur.

Gavin received his B.A. degree with Honours in Marketing from Huddersfield University, located in the United Kingdom. A cutting-edge institution, the school was the first of its kind to introduce Marketing into their undergraduate degrees, and they remain at the forefront of marketing innovation. 

After graduation, Gavin returned to Australia and founded his own marketing services firm.  His agency, Reality Group, won the esteemed Australian Agency of the Year in 2003 and attracted first-rate advertising clients such as BP, Tabcorp, Saab, and General Motors. After selling his company for a profit a few years later, Gavin turned his attention to the B2B retail space.

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