- Bridge to the Pyrenees

Description: Bridge to the Pyrenees

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In the languages of our ancestors, Basque, French, Spanish, Cherokee and English, we welcome you to our family history website. Our research for family history began in 2008 during a trip to the Basque country and continues as we discover new branches and as new resources become available. It's a marvelous journey and this website is intended to document our findings for us and any family and friends who might be interested.

Mitch's family is primarily French Basque (Basse-Navarre or Benafarroa province) and Delora's family is a combination of Spanish Basque (Vizcaya province), Mexican (Michoacan), Cherokee Indian and various states of the American South. Our genealogy project contains a variety of cultures and interesting eras and we look forward to continuing our search for our ancestors and history.