- GAPS Protocol Help – If it\'s not food, don\'t put it in your mouth.

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As a Naturopathic Doctor, her specialty is GAPS, which is the main focus of her clinic in N. Georgia, just south of the Tennessee border in the United States. Plotner has spoken at Annual Weston A. Price Conferences on GAPS and speaks on GAPS at many meetings promoting the power of foods. She has been published in “The Wise Traditions Journal”, most recently with an article in the last Summer 2021 issue. She has appeared on many television and radio shows teaching people how to cook GAPS foods. Plotner came

 Becky is the author of the book “GAPS, Stage by Stage, With Recipes”, which she wrote alongside Dr Natasha as well as the book “Probiotic Foods vs Commercial Probiotics”. Dr Natasha asked her to write the GAPS Baby book and is also working on a book on Cancer. 

Becky Plotner has been a Certified GAPS Practitioner from October of 2015. She is one of the best practitioners on the whole list of Certified GAPS Practitioners I have trained. It is a pleasure to work with her. She is professional, very attentive, intelligent and has a great work ethic. She is always learning and deepening her knowledge in the health field. She has a busy practice and has helped many families and individuals with severe chronic illnesses. Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride

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