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If you are a game designer, you may be interested in reading a game designer blog. These online resources provide articles written by game designers and industry insiders on the latest trends and techniques. Here are some of the best game designer blogs on the web. Read them to find out more. Also, check out these blogs if you are planning to design a game for the PC. We’ve compiled a list of the best game designer blogs to help you get started.

If you’re a game designer and want to learn more about art and game design, you should read Dan Kenny’s blog. His new book and games are coming out soon and you should keep up with the updates. You’ll find many great ideas for new games as well as interesting insights into the artistic side of game design. You may be a programmer but don’t know how to design an engaging game.

If you’ve been looking for a new blog to follow, you might want to check out the work of Pietro Polsinelli, a game designer and developer from Italy. Pietro Polsinelli’s blog is a great place to get inspired by his work and read about some of his most memorable games. His work on educational games has spanned a number of platforms, including Flash, Unity, and Java. He has also authored a book, Explaining With Games, and has recently published a podcast on his blog.

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