futurefire.net - The Future Fire: Social Political Speculative Cyberfiction: index

Description: Social Political and Progressive Speculative Fiction: FeministSF QueerSF EcoSF Postcolonial and Cyberpunk

science fiction speculative fiction political cyberbunk dark fan (1)

Example domain paragraphs

“The right kind of resistance is peaceful, because that’s where we win. We’re not going to beat them at violence. They’re very, very good at violence. We’re not. We win through nonviolence. That’s really the only way we can win.” —Tortuguita (aka Manuel Paez Terán)

Futurefire.net Publishing (FFN) is a small, independent publisher of short speculative fiction stories, poetry and art in anthologies, collections, magazines and other formats.

The Future Fire (TFF) is our flagship online magazine, always open to submissions of beautiful and useful short stories and poetry in Social-political and Progressive Speculative Fiction, Feminist SF, Queer SF, Eco SF, World SF and Cyberpunk, and an experiment in and celebration of new writing, published four times a year.

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