full-spectrum-dominance.com - Full-Spectrum-Dominance.com (C) 2023

Description: Citizen Journalist Source for World, National, Health, Technology, Economic, Political, Social, and Business Information

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Full-Spectrum-Dominance.com (FSD) was created by Xander Dal Riata, a disabled veteran of the United States Marine Corps — to provide a focus outlet during his re-cooperation from severe injuries sustained while serving during the Global War on Terror. He currently works in the field of consumer and business IT solutions specializing in security application methods. FSD is best described as an open-source counter-doctrine dynamism docking station (OSCDD) for information which isn't widely followed. FSD has g

Since FSD went online over a decade ago, Xander has made many appearances through the years on syndicated radio programs and online podcast shows to discuss the things going on in our world. As of 2018 he has been traveling the globe helping people and businesses with their cyber security and human rights needs. The days that he would report the news on a daily basis will return; but in the mean time, please enjoy the extensive list of links that he compiled over the years for the self-motivated to utilize

Keep stopping back to FSD to see what else has been going on out there.

Links to full-spectrum-dominance.com (2)