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Description: FuelSaver-MPG.com : - EFIEs Hydrogen Assist Kits hho, hydrogen, shop, online shopping, store

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HHO causes diesel (or any other type of fuel) to burn faster. That's really all it does. But this has the effect of causing the fuel to burn more completely during the power stroke of the engine. Therefore, less fuel is still burning during the exhaust stroke where it will actually tend to work against the engine's revolutions. The result is that less fuel is required for the same amount of torque and engine revolutions or be wasted. The immediate primary results are reduced fuel consumption and emissions.

Hydrogen powered engines experience significant gains in horsepower. This is caused by the fact that more fuel is burning during the power stroke, giving more power for the same amount of fuel. This results in being able to pull loads in lower gears than before, which saves on fuel consumption.

Hydrogen assisted engines always report dramatic decreases in emissions. Some owners have used HHO systems on trucks which then passed emissions testing even after previously failing the same test. This can extend the useful life of older trucks. We have seen reports of hydrocarbon emissions dropping by 85% after just a few minutes of running on a hydrogen system. Emissions results improve for all pollutant gases currently tested for.

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