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These images are taken from Jan Hoek's latest series, 'Mental Superpowers'. As an artist and photographer, he is fascinated by the beauty of outsiders in the world. His lens has captured the homeless in Ethiopia, sex tourists in Thailand, motorcycle taxis in Nairobi, and trans sex workers in Cape Town. As a kid, he dreamt of becoming a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle and often wonders what it means to have a special power. For this project, he lived in a Brooklyn psychiatric hospital for three months. Together

These images are from Jan Hoek's latest series, 'Mental Superpowers'. As an artist and photographer, he is fascinated by the beauty of outsiders in the world. His lens has captured the homeless in Ethiopia, sex tourists in Thailand, motorcycle taxis in Nairobi, and trans sex workers in Cape Town. As a kid, he always dreamt of becoming a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle and often wonders what it means to have a special power. For this project, he lived in a Brooklyn psychiatric hospital for three months. Together

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