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The FPGAworld Conference is an international forum for researchers, engineers, teachers, students, and hackers. It covers topics such as complex analog/digital/software FPGA SoC systems, FPGA/ASIC-based products, educational & industrial cases, and more. Registration for attendees is free and includes 2*coffee, lunch and go-home drink.

Abstract: RISC-V is an open-source instruction set that has created opportunities for companies of all sizes to innovate and make decisions independently. It is predicted to shape the future of computing for the next 50 years by providing a processor architecture that allows for more processing with a smaller carbon footprint, more features with less development resources, and new ways to combat threats with existing technologies. Companies are already utilizing RISC-V to develop applications such as High-P

CV: Martin Kellermann is an experienced FPGA and SoC engineer with a diploma in Electrical Engineering from the Landshut University of Applied Sciences. He has expertise in high-speed serial data transmission, signal integrity, and hardware debugging, successfully delivering projects in the industrial, automotive, and data-center domains. As Marketing Manager at Microchip Technology GmbH, Munich, he works with the European Sales and Field Application team to showcase the strengths of their FPGAs and SoCs.

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