- Four Point Five - A colour contrast tool

Description: Four Point Five is an accessibility tool for developers which calculates the contrast ratio between two colours and suggests a new colour to meet WCAG criteria

accessibility (748) wcag (108) colour contrast

Example domain paragraphs

Four Point Five is a tool to help developers make their websites and applications more accessible. It calculates the contrast ratio between two colours and tells you whether you meet the WCAG's AA criteria of a 4.5:1 contrast ratio .

Unlike many other similar tools, Four Point Five will then automatically calculate the nearest passing colour to use should you fail to meet the 4.5:1 benchmark.

This tool was built by me, Jonny Kates . I don't profess to be an expert in web accessibility but I believe it is of critical importance and often overlooked. I wanted a tool that would suggest the "nearest" passing colour but couldn't find one - so I built this.