- Forrest M. Mims III

Description: Forrest Mims is a Rolex Award laureate and the most widely read electronics author in the world. His sixty books have sold over 7,500,000 copies and have twice been honored for excellence by the Computer Press Association.

books (16639) tops (972) rolex (527) ozone (252) ultraviolet (170) mims (22) forrest mims (3) uv-b (3) geronimo creek (1) rolex award (1)

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From Jul 2019 to Feb 2020 (and ongoing), I've been measuring the elevation of the volcanic arerosol cloud from the eruption of the Russian volcano Raikoke on 22 Jun 2019. See below for inormation on the twilight photometers I use for these measurements. The peak density of the volcanic cloud has ranged from 15 to 25 km with the average around 19-20 km. My data are a close match to the lidar measurements of the cloud at the Mauna Loa Observatory provbided by Dr. John Barnes.

Completed 160,000-word ebook "Environmental Science: An Explorer's Guide" for Intelligent Education. The book includes 920+ photos and charts.

Two Rolex Award colleagues and I received a major grant from Rolex to perform a comprehensive study of solar UV-B in Hawai'i. The 28-day study took place during July-August 2018. A detailed report plus many photos and charts are here . 

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