- For Life On Earth

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It is indeed stating the obvious to say that we do not rush our children and other relatives to the local veterinary clinic if they are ill, or worse, critically ill. Likewise, we do not take our companion animals to the outpatient's emergency departments at our hospitals when they  are ill.

FLOE presents science that supports this common sense, science that is best illustrated by the seminal work  Animal Models in Light of Evolution   Shanks and Greek (2009). There is a layman's version of this book, written especially for the non-scientist, entitled  FAQS About the Use of Animals in Science.

Both these books explain exactly how and why experimenting on animals - to predict responses in humans - is asking animals to do something they are not capable of. This, in turn, is damaging human medicine. Immense empirical evidence supports this position.  Animal Models in Light of Evolution  places this empirical evidence within the context of current understanding of evolutionary biology and complex systems, providing us with conclusions that entirely support our decisions not to take critically ill peo

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