- Forever Day By Day | Our Life Together

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Since Christmas is coming and our plans of going home (my home!) to Transylvania for Christmas went down the drain, we decided to send a big package back to my parents to share a part of the English Christmas experience. We had fun gathering all the gifts together: Scottish Shortbread; Christmas Crackers; Cheddar; Mince Pies… Continue reading »

What is better than an amazing freshly baked loaf of bread? What you see here: a freshly baked home made bread, made together with (mostly done by) theboyfriend. It was so delicious that we couldn’t even wait for it to cool down; we had more than half of it with lovely butter. The crust was… Continue reading »

As you might have already read, we love to take pointless bus rides; just hop on a bus and discover a part of the town which we haven’t seen before, or hide away from the cold or rain. This time we took our extremely cute, frequently noticed by children, Shaun The Sheep backpack It was… Continue reading »