- ForensIQ Risk Intelligence Inc. – Increase your workers' compensation claims risk IQ

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What if you could predict which workers’ compensation claims are more likely to pose an increased risk for claim fraud, before actual fraud is suspected? Based on over 30 years of claims and investigations experience combined with the forensic science of the Fraud Triangle, we have developed a proprietary predictive analytics algorithm that enables our clients to do just that. With ForensIQ Scout , you can determine the relative fraud risk presented by each newly reported workers’ compensation claim allowin

ForensIQ Risk Intelligence has developed innovative protocols and initiatives that Employers can implement to deter claim fraud. NEW! When claim fraud risk is identified, Employers can complete a risk intelligent Claims Orientation Interview with the Worker to actively reduce the identified risk and deter possible claim fraud. Exclusively for Premium and Enterprise Members, this service, included at no additional cost, uses our INTERACTIVE ONLINE risk intelligent Claims Orientation Interview form to structu

In a perfect world, fraud like all other crime would cease to exist. Unfortunately, we all realize that even with focussed attention on claim fraud deterrence, fraud may still occur. For this reason, ForensIQ Risk Intelligence offers a variety of consulting services. Surveillance Triage: Let our experience with claims, investigations and surveillance help to guide you to the right decisions on if, when, and how to contract a surveillance investigation. We will walk you through the legal, ethical, practical

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